Spell check is built-in to Opera on the Mac

I just stumbled upon this gem. Opera on Mac has spell checking built-in! Right-click in a text box and there ya go. That was easy.

This Opera page contains details about Opera and spell checking. It states:

“On Mac OS X, Opera uses the system spell checker. There is no need to install additional software.”

Keeping date format in OpenOffice spreadsheet when saving to CSV

Found this one on the OO mailing list archive. I wanted to dupe it here in case that page ever disappears. The original post is located here: http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=users&msgNo=119402

The parent poster and I share the same issue. Formatting a CSV file’s date field(s) to fit MySQL’s preferred date format (YYYY-MM-DD). This sounds easy enough, but when you save to a CSV it always defaults to the “standard” format of MM/DD/YY. Quoth Mr. Barrie Backhurst:

MySQL’s country of origin is Sweden and.setting this as language in cell
styles works.

Open the stylist(F11), right click the default cell style and select
New. It should open a dialog with the Organize tab visible. Enter a
suitable name(mysqldate) in place of “untitled”. Switch to the Number
tab and set Category = Date, Language = Swedish and Format = YYYY-MM-DD.
Click OK to save the new cell style.

Now select the cells with the dates that need formatting and double left
click on the new mysqldate cell style. The selected cells should adopt
the mysql format and retain it when exported to CSV.

Worked like a charm Mr. Backhurst. Thanks!


A client called me with this error. She was receiving a blue screen of death (BSOD) with the error “IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL”. After reading a few forums, I thought either the sound card was interfering, or I had a corrupted page file. It was point #6 of RWatson‘s post that brought the page file to my attention. Some people suggested bad RAM, but that didn’t sound right to me.

I booted into safe mode and disabled the paging file (again, see point #6 on how to do this). That did the trick. I then put the page file settings back and rebooted again. All systems go.

Switched from Firefox to Opera 9


Firefox LogoI’ve used Mozilla products in their various forms for years now. First with the Mozilla suite, then to Phoenix for a little bit, then realizing it was too buggy for my tastes so back to Mozilla Suite, then over to Firebird (0.3 or so if I recall) for a little while, back to Mozilla, then finally the combination of Firefox and Thunderbird. I landed on those two primarily because I like Thunderbird better than Mozilla Mail, and (at the time, before Seamonkey) the suite was probably going bye-bye. I wasn’t thrilled about two apps using the same base of code taking up twice the footprint, but I learned to live with it.

A few things have always been consistent with these products:

  1. They’ve been very standards compliant
  2. Pretty darn secure
  3. Most recently they’ve been wonderfully extendable (via extensions)
  4. Ridiculously slow, memory hogging bloatware from hell

Thunderbird LogoIn the past, the first three items won out. Even though the software was slow and unresponsive, all of the other positives made up for it. Especially the IMAP support in Thunderbird. I’d be lost without it.


I’ve been using Opera as an “alternate” browser for a while now. I was first intrigued around the version 5 days. However, I basically just installed it, browsed to a few pages, then uninstalled it a couple days later. Same thing with version 6. I really started to like what I was seeing with version 7. I was able to get my then employer to pay the $30.00 to purchase it. Yes, that’s right, I actually purchased a Web browser. I must admit, if it wasn’t an employee expense, I probably never would have purchased it. Something about paying for a Web browser that just doesn’t seem right. But I really liked it for Webdev. Version 8 was a pretty big improvement IMO. This was the release that got me thinking about switching from Firefox.

Opera Software logoOne of my main complaints with Opera has been the UI. I simply didn’t like it. Yes, it’s configurable, but I don’t want to have to do homework just to fix what I feel is an inferior UI. Enter downloadable Toolbars and Keyboard shortcuts. I found the “Hugin and Munin” configs and finally felt at home. I had the uncluttered UI of Firefox, with the goodness of Opera. I still didn’t feel like switching though. I had quite a bit of extensions with Firefox and not changing is easier than changing.
With the recent release of version 9, I made the plunge. I am now a part-time Firefox user and a full-time Opera user. I’ll explain the part-time thing later.

First, a list of what I like about Opera:

  • This thing is FAST! Opera’s tag line: “The fastest browser on Earth” They’re not lying. So what do I mean when I say “it’s fast”. I mean it’s very responsive, loads quickly (launching the EXE), renders HTML and CSS quickly, and runs JavaScripts quickly. It’s just fast, ok?
  • It has many built-in features that I needed extensions for with Firefox. Super tab support (Tab Mix Plus), RSS reader (Sage), User Scripts (GreaseMonkey), and a bunch of others.
  • If Opera is missing a feature, there’s a good chance I can get a “User Script” for it over at UserJS.org, or UserScripts.org. These are basically GreaseMonkey scripts, except you don’t need GreaseMonkey 🙂
  • Oh mouse gestures, how did I leave without thee? They’re even better with Opera’s “Fast Forward” feature which, via some voo-doo, tries to determine the next page in a list of results (search results, image gallery, etc.). While on Google, just a flick of the wrist brings me to the next page. Do yourself a favor, if you want to stick with Firefox go get the All-in-One Gestures extension. You can thank me later.
  • Did I mention Opera’s fast?
  • And my favorite Opera tidbit: The entire download for the Web browser, RSS feed reader, email/news client, address book, bittorrent client, IRC client, and (much) more is 3.8 megs. Hello?! 3.8 megs! Now that’s what I call efficient coding. I have long said a well written app is usually the smallest. That’s why TinyApps.org rocks. Perhaps they should add Opera to their site? 😉

There are a few downsides, but mostly minor. As with any non-IE browser, some stupid sites browser sniff and complain that you’re not using there “supported” browser. Firefox users are used to this, albeit to a lessor degree nowadays. It seems the de facto “supported” browsers are IE and FF. Every once in a while you’ll see Safari on their list. Without fail, Opera is never listed. This really doesn’t present an issue if the site is not browser sniffing. But if they are, you may need to change the user agent of Opera. Unlike Firefox, this functionality is built-in.

There are a few sites that flat-out don’t work in Opera. A few that come to mind are Google Calendar and Zillow.com. That’s when I fire up Firefox. Hence my part-time Firefox usage comment. Ironically, some of the WordPress admin features don’t work as well in Opera. So when I post to this blog, I usually use Firefox.


Firefox is good; Opera is good. I’m a fanboy of neither. What I can say is that after using Opera 9 for a few months, I am quite pleased and glad I switched. Your opinion may differ.

Beings that both browsers are free, there’s little reason not to download and try either one or both. Using a piece of software is the best (ok, only) way to know if you like it!

“General printer failure” with Pagemaker 6.5

My wife is a middle school teacher. She teaches drama and journalism. Yeah, those go together well 😉 I help her with the school paper layout as I used to do it at the weekly college paper with Chad and Brad. Last night around midnight I finished the final layout tweaks (don’t get me started about PM 6.5 and files from Illustrator!). When attempting to print to a PostScript file for later distilling into a PDF on my other computer, I received the following error:

PageMaker Error

“An error occurred while printing.
General printer failure.

After trying many different things I believe the issue is a file permission issue. My setup is like this:

  • Two computers: My WinXP, and my wife’s Win2k
  • Her computer serves as “home base” in that all files are stored there in a shared folder and I work with them over the network. She works with them locally (duh).
  • PageMaker 6.52
  • Adobe Universal PostScript Windows Driver 1.0.6, printing to “FILE:”

When you print to a file in PM, you can’t really choose where it is saved. It will always be saved next to the .P65 file you’re working with. With that said, I was trying to print to a .PS file across the network where the file was stored. PM didn’t like that. I tried sitting at my wife’s computer and printing the .PS file from the same (but now local) location. Strangely enough PM didn’t like that either. I think the permissions I have on that network share just aren’t jiving with PM. Finally, I moved the .P65 and all supporting files out of the shared folder and into a totally “normal” local file with standard permissions like C:\temp\ . That did it. My print to file worked!